Legend of Great Tang’s Twin Dragons

Chapter Book 57 2: Wearing Out One’s Iron Shoes

Five cups clinked against each other, everyone drained the cup in one gulp, the atmosphere was warm.

On the table, the spilled wine and debris were cleared up properly just like the city of Danyang after the war, on their place were the nine small side dishes of distinctive style, which Lei Jiuzhi personally prepared, which smelled, looked, and tasted great, so that upon tasting it, everybody praised without ceasing.

Lei Jiuzhi and Hou Xibai listened to Kou Zhong about the agreement he had just reached with Xu Ziling, they were both very surprised; they never expected such a the-sky-and-the-earth-turning-upside-down [idiom: radical] change would happen suddenly.

Hou Xibai was the first to applaud, he said, “Feixuan will be very pleased with this. The other beauty that will be happiest should be Xiuning Gongzhu [Princess], but her frame of mind will be much more complicated, she should be equally worried and happy.”

Everyone understood what he meant. If Kou Zhong helped Li Shimin to fight for the throne, the division within the Li Clan would be inevitable. On the palm of her hand was her flesh, on the back of her hand was her flesh, Li Xiuning would have difficulty left and right.

Muttering to himself irresolutely, Lei Jiuzhi said, “This matter must be handled with care, otherwise the Shao Shuai Army’s soldiers’ heart will become unstable, so much so that it might lead to division and internal disorder; therefore, first of all, we must keep this matter confidential, limited only to a few qualified people on a need-to-know basis.”

Greatly astonished, Kou Zhong said, “Lao Ba was first, and then you guys, all very naturally are leaning toward Ziling, I am really unable to make any sense of the matter.”

The murderous intent in Ba Fenghan’s pair of eyes was flashing, but the tone of his voice was still very tranquil, he spoke indifferently, “I only speak for myself, because my real enemy is not Li Shimin, but the Golden Wolf clan headed by Bi Xuan, Xieli and Zhao Deyan. If I say it like this, would Shaoshuai understand?”

Letting out a weird laughter, Lei Jiuzhi said, “Xiao Zhong, you may be a commander-in-chief without a rival in the world, but you are not a material to be an emperor, not that you lack the talent or the love for the people, but you lack the patience. You will be like another Wuming, it would be so cruel to lock you up in a deep palace like in a cage, like in an enclosure without being able to leave the house, like depriving you of your innate tendency and natural instinct to soar all over the place.”

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong admitted, “One would know one’s own family affairs. Every time I am facing official documents and approvals piling up like a mountain on my desk, I immediately have a big headache, just wanting to abandon my seat and leave. Ha! Abandon my seat and leave, it is a very apt description.”

Hou Xibai laughed and said, “We are excited for you to get away from the sea of bitterness. One might well ask, how could being the emperor surpass being able to change the Song Family Xiaojie’s mind toward you? For you, this will make the Song Family Xiaojie to forget all your bad deeds in the past. Beyond this, there is no better or greater way.”

Blurted out laughing, Ba Fenghan said, “Passionate Prince will never shed his passionate nature, all three reasons are all related to beauties.”

Lei Jiuzhi turned to Xu Ziling and asked, “I haven’t had the chance to ask you, didn’t Xianhe go to Chang’an with you? How come I didn’t see him coming back with you?”

Knitting his brows, Hou Xibai said, “It must be because Xianhe still couldn’t find his Meimei. The method of offering a reward didn’t work at all, it makes one think a hundred times without gaining understanding.”

Xu Ziling sighed and said, “This matter, start explaining and it’s a long story. Fortunately, Ji Qian was one of the three lucky girls who escaped from the Xiang Family’s evil clutches during that time, one of whom was precisely Yin Xiaoji; they were stranded and wandered to Xiangyang, where a kind-hearted famous courtesan of the pleasure house offered them shelter. Dressed in men’s clothing, Xiaoji mingled in the streets, while Ji Qian and the other girl named Xiao You were trained to be talented girls, selling their arts but not selling their bodies.”

Kou Zhong was severely shaken, “Xiangyang!” he blurted.

But nobody paid him any attention.

Greatly delighted, Lei Jiuzhi said, “That is precisely the place outside of our sphere of influence where we can’t post bounties. If Xianhe can reunite with his Meizi, it would make us really happy.”

Smiling wryly, Xu Ziling said, “Ji Qian personally took Xianhe to Xiangyang to look for his sister, but until the day before yesterday they had not returned to Liangdu per our agreement, making people worry about them. Lu Shu had already sent men to Xiangyang to make discreet inquiries about them.”

Ba Fenghan was the first to notice Kou Zhong’s peculiar manner, he asked in heavy voice, “What is Shaoshuai thinking about?”

His two eyes staring straight ahead, Kou Zhong spoke word by word, “Xiangyang … little ruffian … long legs … Xiao He’er …”


Ba Fenghan’s palm slapped the table, fortunately, in term of strength, he had some restraint, otherwise, all the cups, plates and dishes on the table would meet with misfortune for the second time. The next moment, fast as lightning, he moved to the window sill and shouted loudly down, “Shaoshuai’s order: bring Xiao He’er to see him pronto.”

Holding his head in his hands, Kou Zhong panted for breath, saying, “I’m so stupid! Clearly she calls herself Xiao He’er, and she has slender and beautiful legs, why didn’t I ask further?”

Xu Ziling, Lei Jiuzhi, and Hou Xibai, three men you looked at me I looked at you, they were bewildered, not knowing what was happening, only they had faint feeling that it had something to do with Yin Xiaoji.

Ba Fenghan came back and sat down. Letting out a long laughter, he said, “This is called wearing out one’s iron shoes [chapter title: searching high and low] without finding what one is looking for, while it came without spending any effort. Xiao He’er is Yin Xiaoji, who has been by our side all along, hence Yin Xiong went to Xiangyang pouncing on an empty air and must search painstakingly everywhere, naturally without any result.”

Kou Zhong slapped his forehead with both hands and said, “I have had a feeling about Xiao He’er for a long time, it’s just that the military affairs are burdensome and I don’t have time to think about it. His granny’s bear, I hope Heaven helps the worthy, that Yin kid will come back as quickly as possible to be reunited with Xiaoji, that will be thank the Heaven and thank the Earth.”

Xu Ziling became nervous, he said, “Let’s ask clearly first, I’m most afraid that this is just another misunderstanding.”

Ba Fenghan shook his head and said, “How could there be such a coincidence?”

Hou Xibai sighed and said, “This is precisely the awful part of the troubled times, not many people are as lucky as them, brother and sister.”

Kou Zhong nodded and said, “Until this moment tonight, our side earnestly and sincerely hope that Li Shimin can agree to my terms of making peace, and that my future father-in-law is persuaded by Fan Qinghui; common people have suffered enough!”

Lei Jiuzhi poured the wine for everyone, he chuckled and said, “So many encouraging news. Brothers! Let’s win another cup.”

Everyone toasted each other loudly.

Xiao He’er’s tender and clear and loud voice sounded from the stairs, she said, “I can’t accept this! Dage is drinking and having fun in here, but there’s no share for me and Xuanshu Gongzi.”

Kou Zhong stood up and called out loudly, “Xiaoji, come quickly! How can there be no share for you?”

Xiao He’er was still dressed in men’s clothing; she appeared on the stairs, accompanied by Wang Xuanshu. Hearing that, she was severely shaken and came to a standstill, her pretty face became incomparably pale, she stared at Kou Zhong in disbelief, her lips quivering, she was unable to speak.

Following closely behind her, Wang Xuanshu was stunned, “He’er, what’s the matter with you!” he asked, “Why haven’t you come forward to pay your respect to Xu Dage?”

But Xiao He’er was only staring at Kou Zhong, “What did Dage just call me?” she spoke in trembling voice.

Xu Ziling and others, none did not lay down the big rock on their heart, knowing that before their eyes was the genuine-goods-at-fair-prices, replacement-guaranteed-if-not-genuine Yin Xiaoji, otherwise there would not be such an intense reaction.

Ba Fenghan sighed deeply and said, “Oh, Xiaoji! You did not know how hard it was for lingxiong [your esteemed older brother] Yin Xianhe to look for you.”

Xiao He’er’s tender body shook violently, hot tears were gushing out of her pair of eyes, she did not stop shaking her head and said, “It’s impossible! It’s impossible!”

Kou Zhong already came forward to meet her, pulled her into his arms, and said softly, “Your real Dage was not beaten to death by the bad guys, he even became brothers with us. This moment he and your other sister are going to Xiangyang to look for you.”

‘Wah!’ Xiao He’er cried bitterly in his bosom, she completely lost control.

Kou Zhong let her venting the long-repressed sorrow in her heart, he spoke to Xu Ziling, who was coming to their side, “It seems that we must immediately take a trip to Xiangyang, if he can’t find Xiaoji, Xianhe definitely is not going to return to Liangdu.”

Xu Ziling replied, “Let me take Xiaoji and Xuanshu, while you go to Liangdu to see Lu Shu, we will do our tasks separately.”

Kou Zhong understood; he knew that after his business in Xiangyang was completed, Xu Ziling would go to see Li Shimin.

Reaching out, Kou Zhong grabbed Xu Ziling’s hand, he stared deeply into Xu Ziling’s eyes, and spoke chopping the nail and slicing the iron, “As long as it is for justice and the most beneficial to the common people, although against tens of thousands of people, I will go for it, others things are secondary. Xiongdi! Kou Zhong will definitely not disappoint you.”

Ba Fenghan cheered, “Good man!”

Kou Zhong handed Xiao He’er to the blank-faced Wang Xuanshu, he turned around and said with a bitter laugh, “The real yingxiong haohan [hero and strong and courageous person] is Ling Shao, at best, I am only genfeng haohan [strong and courageous person who follows the wind] who can’t persuade him. Ay! Xiao He’er, don’t cry! You should laugh instead, you made me want to cry loudly too.”

Inside Wang Xuanshu’s bosom, Xiao He’er spoke in trembling voice, “I’m going to see Dage!”

His pair of eyes turned very red, Lei Jiuzhi stood up and shouted loudly, “I am coming with you!”

Hou Xibai also stood up abruptly and said, “I am coming too!”

Kou Zhong laughed aloud and said, “We are moving immediately! Ha! Since becoming his granny’s Shaoshuai or what have you, I have never experienced a relaxed and comfortable feeling as I am now. Ling Shao is not only my good brother, he is like a second parent to me even more! Ha! Like a second parent! His granny’s!”

A burst of emotional stirring welled up in Xu Ziling’s. He never liked Kou Zhong’s deliberately exaggerated style of speaking, but this moment he heard it, it went straight into his heart, he originally thought that to persuade Kou Zhong was more difficult than ascending to heavens, but the fact was that it was so easy that it was beyond his expectation.

Their brotherhood was really able to withstand any test.

The opportunity for peaceful reunification finally appeared at the most difficult [orig. deep water and scorching fire] moment before the outbreak of the war.

Inside the study room of the Shaoshuai Mansion in Liangdu, Song Lu, his expression grave, listened to Kou Zhong explaining in details the-sky-and-the-earth-turning-upside-down changes that led to Xu Ziling’s arrival.

In conclusion, Kou Zhong said, “If successful, this will be the only way to make the Central Earth repel the outside enemy, avoid catastrophes, and achieve peaceful reunification.”

Song Lu shook his head and said, “I understand Dage’s character, no one can sway his conviction, Fan Qinghui could not do it before, she is still powerless today. Even if you and Ziling are standing by Li Shimin’s side, we still have enough strength to hold the hegemony in the South, the division of the South is inevitable.”

Kou Zhong’s countenance changed, he said, “What do we do?”

Song Lu sighed and said, “You are still forgetting one key figure, that is Song Zhi, whose position is barely under Dage. Just like Dage, he has the aspiration to unify the world, The difference is that Dage is doing it for the far-reaching ideals, while ErGe [second brother] is to make the Song Family the number one clan of this age in the Central Plains, hence to persuade him is another difficult problem.”

Having a headache, Kou Zhong said, “What is Lu Shu’s own view?”

Song Lu was silent for half a day, he smiled wryly and said, “Frankly speaking, I agree with your approach in my heart. You put the happiness of the common people under the heavens above personal honor and disgrace, gains and losses. Yuzhi already foresaw the situation today, hence all along she opposed the Song Family involvement in the dispute.”

Kou Zhong was greatly encouraged, he said, “Lu Shu does not regard me as someone who shrinks back as the time for battle approaches, it is a great encouragement to me.”

Song Lu blurted out laughing and said, “Who would regard you as a coward? Dage included. Even if I disagree with your decision, I still have to admit that you, Kou Zhong, are a haohan [hero/strong and courageous person] of great benevolence and great courage. Anyone in your current position, how could he be willing say that he accepted and just accept it, without any care of the emperor throne and the task of establishing and maintaining hegemony.”

Blushing with shame, Kou Zhong said, “The one with great benevolence and great courage is Ziling, I just think that his words make sense. Ay! Lu Shu, please tell me, especially under the current circumstances, I definitely must not provoke Fazhu to anger.”

Song Lu spoke heavily, “In this regard, you don’t need to worry instead, whether Dage agrees or not, it’s just the same. With his cultivation, no one can make him so angry that it will affect the progress of his healing. First of all, we must try to persuade Dage. On ErGe, I could exhaust a bit of effort, he and I have always had close relationship.”

Greatly delighted, Kou Zhong said, “I did not expect you, Lu Shu, to be willing to stand on my side, my confidence is doubled.”

Smiling wryly, Song Lu said, “The key point is still Dage. We must move carefully; first, we will temporarily postpone the attack on Xiangyang. Instead, we will go all out to wipe out Lin Shihong, and transfer the troops that originally belonged to our Song Family system back to the south to fight, while the troops in the north will be all your Shao Shuai Army’s original team. As long as Dage is willing to give us a nod, everything will proceed according to plan, and then you can help Li Shimin to ascend to the throne.”

Kou Zhong spoke in distress, “If this moment I honestly tell my way of thinking to Fazhu, can Lu Shu guess how would Fazhu react?”

Song Lu said, “The biggest possibility is that he will drive you out of Lingnan, and then order your Zhi Shu [Uncle Zhi] to consolidate the south with all his strength and occupy all the important cities on both sides of the Great River.”

Shaking his head, Kou Zhong and said, “That situation will never happen. I am a responsible person who value loyalty. If Fazhu disagree, I will comply with his decree to march the troops northward and do my best to accomplish the great undertaking of unifying the world. This is also one of the prerequisites I set out to Ziling.”

Song Lu knitted his brows in deep thought, he suggested, “Why don’t you talk to Yuzhi, she might think of a way.”

Kou Zhong’s spirit greatly aroused, he said, “I will go to Lingnan immediately.”

Song Lu laughed and said, “Don’t be impetuous, you need to stay here to preside over the overall situation, while if Yuzhi is coming to see you, people won’t be suspicious at all. How about I am writing a letter, asking her to come to Liangdu?”

Inexplicable joy surged in Kou Zhong’s heart, he agreed, “I will listen to Lu Shu in everything; I still have to pay a visit to Ol’ Die, to prevent him from being unaware of the situation and move his troops to attack Xiangyang, because that will be thoroughly terrible.”

With meaningful and heartfelt words, Song Lu said, “This is not a trivial matter at all. For the time being, it would be best not to leak any rumor, however, to keep them completely in the dark won’t be appropriate either. Therefore, you can choose a few trusted aides and great generals, and consult them for their opinion at the appropriate time, so that they won’t feel like they are being betrayed.”

Kou Zhong nodded, he accepted the advice, “I understand!” he said.

Song Lu revealed a kind smile, he said, “Since the first time I met you, two kids, Xiao Jing and I felt that we are kindred spirits, even hard to come by is that you guys did not let us down at all. To this day, you still have an ardent pure and innocent heart like the heart of a newborn. Don’t worry! Lu Shu will do my best to support you.”

This moment a personal guard came to report, Shi Feixuan was asking an audience.

Kou Zhong and Song Lu you looked at me I looked at you. After half a day Kou Zhong sprang out from his seat, and went to see Shi Feixuan at the fastest speed.

Disguising themselves as business travelers, Xu Ziling, Lei Jiuzhi, Hou Xibai, Xiao He’er, and Wang Xuanshu used official documents to pay taxes to enter the City of Xiangyang City.

Xiao He’er seemed to lose her lively and playful energy, for the entire journey she was silent and did not say anything. From her longing and worried expression showing in her eyes, everybody knew that as soon as saw Yin Xianhe, she would return to normal.

Xiao He’er led the way at the front, Wang Xuanshu kept her company by her side, while Xu Ziling, three men, followed them from some distance behind.

Suddenly there was a rumble of hoof beats like a thunder, a group of Tang Army’s cavalry turned into the big street where they were, the leader was surprisingly Qin Shubao. Xu Ziling wanted to hide, but it was too late, he was already seen.

Xu Ziling cried inwardly, ‘Bad!’, he regretted for not putting on the mask, but who would have thought that Qin Shubao only winked at him, unexpectedly he went away without saying anything.

Xu Ziling was at a loss, Lei Jiuzhi pulled him to continue chasing after Xiao He’er, “Who’s that?” he asked.

“Qin Shubao,” Xu Ziling replied.

On the other side, Hou Xibai laughed and said, “He did not expose you, a very true friend indeed.”

Xu Ziling shook his head and said, “He is a man with a clear distinction between personal and public affairs. It seems to me that Li Shimin has revealed our agreement to him.”

Lei Jiuzhi nodded and said, “Makes sense, Li Shimin sent him to defend Xiangyang, it is wise deployment, in order to prevent conflict due to misunderstanding.”

Xu Ziling was greatly gratified, due to the change in the relationship between the two parties, the high-ranking military officers that had been idled and scattered because of their close relationship with them had been put in important position again by Li Shimin one by one.

Lei Jiuzhi pulled him to a stop and said, “They are in!”

Xu Ziling looked across the street, he saw only Wang Xuanshu, who was left standing outside the gate of a pleasure house with a signboard that said, ‘Qing Li Yuan’ [lit. lucid and elegant park/garden].

At this moment, the pleasure house has not yet opened for business, only acquaintances like Xiao He’er could come and go as she wished.

The situation in Xiangyang was not like before, on the streets, people and vehicles were sparse. Evidently, under the shadow of the war, most of the residents already fled to other places.

A short while later, Xiao He’er walked out alone, she took Wang Xuanshu back to them, and spoke hoarsely, “Xiao You hasn’t returned to the pleasure house for more than ten days, it must be because of Dage’s affairs have not been concluded yet. Wah!”

Unexpectedly, she cried so loudly just like that, attracting the passersby to cast sidelong glances at her.

The four big grownups panicked.

Lei Jiu hurriedly said, “Don’t cry, please calm down, where is Xiao You’s house?”

With tears streaming down her face Xiao He’er pointed to the south of the city.

Everybody breathed a sigh of relief, if Xiao You’s house was inside the pleasure house, it would be very bad. But now that it was not, chances are she was staying at home.

Naturally no one blamed Xiao He’er, because they understood her mood.

Without waiting for instructions, Xiao He’er started to walk to lead the way, passing through the streets and over the alleys, very soon they arrived outside the door of a distinct courtyard house in the southern side of the city. Although in term of scale it was small, it could be seen that Xiao You was living well.

‘Dang! Dang!’

Wang Xuanshu knocked on the ring door knocker.

The sound of footsteps was heard, ‘Creak!’ the main gate was pulled open.

A young servant girl appeared in front of everybody’s eyes. Suddenly seeing such a large group of people standing outside the door, at first, she was slightly startled, and then her gaze fell onto Xiao He’er, her alarmed countenance turned into a happy expression, and then wildly ecstatic, she shouted at the top of her lungs, “Xiaojie! Thank Heaven and thank the Earth! He’er Xiaojie is back! You don’t need to cry!”

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