Necropolis Immortal

Chapter 1957 – Black Wind Takes Form

Chapter 1957 – Black Wind Takes Form

The crowd was stunned. While they found it uncanny that a pretty little girl had trampled Luo Qin, it didn’t seem that unexpected since her presence didn’t make sense in the first place. A supreme trouncing a high supreme seemed almost given, in that case.

But the young man in front of them looked very ordinary and run-of-the-mill. He seemed weaker than even the first man that Luo Qin had defeated. But he’d utilized only one move to beat Luo Qin into a meat pie!

Wait, a meat pie?

Some blinked with dawning realization. This scene… seemed somewhat familiar!

“Is it him?” someone murmured.

“Who?” another person asked blankly.

“Lu Yun. He smacked a Moran high supreme into a meat pie with just one move in the Dark World,” the first speaker cackled. “But he cultivates hell dao and its combat arts are impossible to conceal. This young man seems to be a cultivator of order and his combat art is similar to the golden bridge of heaven and earth beneath our feet. I wonder whose genius he is to be able to comprehend some of the profound mysteries within the bridge?”

He ended his response with serious respect; his listeners also nodded in agreement.

Life was difficult for the World of Immortals these days. Rumors ran rife that immortal dao was a demonic dao and that its cultivators were merciless killing machines who’d slaughtered everything on the major worlds that they’d conquered.

There were even hints that immortal dao was a pawn of the land of darkness. How else could a puny Lu Yun destroy the Dark World? That was a place that stymied countless grand supremes and even peak grand supremes!

After Lu Yun destroyed the Dark World, he visited the Dark Hell and Ghost Sect. The former surrendered to the World of Immortals and the latter moved its entire faction, stunning the chief worlds.

It’d been such a short period of time since the young man’s rise that even Grand Supreme Tanlong hadn’t had time to react. It felt like the young man had only just come into view when, an eye blink later, the grand supreme could no longer keep up with him. He was shooting in a direction that Tanlong had no control over.

Naturally, no one believed that Lu Yun could be so miraculous. The only possible explanation was that he was someone’s pawn. His master might be a peak grand supreme of the chief worlds; it could also be a peak grand supreme of the darkness.

Regardless, all sorts of hearsay and wild rumors abounded regarding Lu Yun and the World of Immortals these days. Thus, the crowd innately believed that the young man should be at his wit’s end right now and cowering inside his realm.

No one thought it possible that he’d join the bustle at the tomb of the empyrean supreme. The young man who’d slapped Luo Qin into a meat pie with a casual move was just an amusing coincidence.

While Luo Qin had been flattened, he hadn’t suffered any tangible harm. He peeled himself off the cliff face with difficulty and restored himself to normal condition.

“You… may enter,” he said with a rueful expression. As mighty as he seemed, he was in very awkward straits at the moment. True, he could strut around in front of other high supremes and flaunt his prestige, but some perverse geniuses would jump out from time to time.

It’d been Miao at first, then the little girl, and now this guy.

These heaven-defying monsters usually cultivated in a quiet corner or explored the dangerous territories of the chief worlds during normal times. But when something like the tomb of the empyrean supreme emerged, they had to attend.

Geniuses such as them were fiercely proud and never took a leaf out of someone else’s book. But perilous areas such as these were very valuable in terms of training. Most important was that, while the knowledge and treasures of their forebears were flawed, they would serve as prime examples of what to avoid. Their wisdom could also complement one’s own dao so that it was all the more perfect.

Luo Qin had thought that it would be enough to adjust to the situation and let those peerless geniuses pass as needed. But he’d only recognized the Miao that his master often mentioned and failed to identify the other two.

“Okay.” Lu Yun huffed on his fist. “That’s right, how would I be weaker than a little girl?”

He continued muttering to himself as he jumped off the bridge.

“Oh, right.” He turned around and addressed the high supremes on the bridge. “This golden bridge of heaven and earth is the personal treasure of that empyrean supreme. It contains the venerated one’s will. You guys will be able to comprehend some of the meaning behind this cultivation level if you stay on the bridge and meditate on it.

“Weird, this bridge is obviously a treasure. Why do so many people throw away a watermelon to scrabble at sesame seeds in the mud?” Lu Yun’s figure disappeared.

He hadn’t said all that for the benefit of the high supremes. He was telling the primordial heavenly emperor inside the bridge to not be so miserly. The emperor should be giving these juniors some pointers when the occasion arose.

The primordial heavenly emperor was an empyrean supreme, after all. Lu Yun said he was obsolete and eliminated by the times because the young man stood tall enough to look down over the development of this era. His focus was on making immortal dao whole, pioneering formula dao, and ensuring that immortal dao illuminated the chief worlds.

Formula dao had become an existence that everyone in the chief worlds coveted. Just formula dao alone was sufficient to create a new trend and era. That was why Lu Yun pronounced that judgment on the emperor.

The same definitely didn’t hold true for anyone else, particularly those on the bridge. They were just ants struggling for survival in troubled times and the primordial heavenly emperor a personage that they had to treat with great veneration. One casual word from him would result in great benefits for them.

The emperor understood Lu Yun’s meaning and incorporated some of his will into the bridge, subconsciously influencing the cultivators that passed through it.


“This entire divine mountain is the burial mound. Alighting from the bridge is the same as entering it.” Lu Yun stopped after he passed through a valley and frowned at his surroundings.

A moderately sized clearing lay ahead of him and a decently sized mountain cave could be found at its end. There was only one path—cliff faces were found in all other directions. He still couldn’t fly as the spatial restriction extended from the bridge.

“A lot of people have died here… and all high supremes, tsk tsk tsk.” The Spectral Eye revealed a dense web of death information. No wonder the grand supremes set up a blockade at the end of the bridge.

“It looks like that cave is the only way into the burial mound.” Lu Yun carefully set foot into the clearing.


A wild gust of wind whipped up like the cry of a ghost. His eyes widened when he saw a gust of black wind slowly condense into a humanoid form in the air.


The figure of black wind charged Lu Yun.

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