Black Bellied Belle: Demon Lord, Bite The Bait Please

Chapter 287.4 - Mastermind Behind Their Deaths Back Then

Chapter 287.4: Mastermind Behind Their Deaths Back Then

But after meeting that young lady, that thought in his head was slowly and silently undergoing some changes.

In the beginning, he learnt how to hide the truth.

Then, he learnt the manner of things that he must not do, the kind of things he shouldn’t speak about, subconsciously trying to protect that young lady, not wanting her to fall to any kind of harm.

Despite the fact that some of his actions now had made him a traitorous turncoat.

But he had already quietly made a subconscious choice deep in his heart. For her, he was willing to do things that might cost him his life. All he wanted was to see her be able to smile just as purely and guilelessly as always.

She would forever be the gentle and tender hearted one, who generously showed him warmth and concern without inhibition, to a person of unknown origins.

An angel.

He liked her, a liking that he only dared to keep buried deep in his heart, treasuring it carefully forever.

Qing Luo Yan who had been able to enjoy peaceful sleep for quite a long time suddenly woke up with a start on this night.

But what she saw in her dreams was not Qing Lan Fei’s face, and neither was it her godly father’s disappointed and forlorn looking face, but the face of someone she would never have expected, a person she had almost completely forgotten about.

It was the culprit who put a spell on her back then.

Originally, though she had felt rather aggrieved and resentful, she had never thought that she would turn into someone like this, a person that she herself was unable to recognize.

How could she possibly have the guts and courage to murder her own blood sisters, and commit such great blasphemy as to kill one’s own father.....

None of that was a result that she wanted.

But it was not known from when it started, an invisible demon had suddenly appeared in his world, a ceaseless and bewitching presence in her mind and consciousness, that endlessly magnified the tiny speck of darkness that was in her heart initially.

Her entire world then began to be filled with that voice.

“What light and holiness? Only the forbidden dark arts will give you might and power. No one will dare to cross you, and they will all submit themselves at your feet!”

“Can’t make it yours? Then destroy it so that no one can get it!”

“You only need to kill her and that man will be yours to have!”

“Disobedient? Then let him have a taste of the result of defying you!”

“Whoever dares to stand in your way to stop you, just have them all killed! Kill anyone who defies you.....”

In the end, she turned to become a bloodthirsty demoness who lived to kill, her countenance that had originally been outstandingly pretty looking gradually becoming more and more devilishly seductive, her charming beauty irresistible, till not the slightest sliver of a goddess’ divinity could be found on her anymore.

To the extent that though none of that was what she really felt in her heart, but she thought that that was what her heart wanted. In the end, all those events back then, while she drifted hazily in and out of all that muddle-headedness, had all come to happen.

And she would only come to feel so lost, everytime when she woke up from her dreams in the middle of the night.

Till now she was still unable to decipher why that person had chose to seek her out, and why that person would use her to oppose Qing Lan Fei and Mo Jing Yu so strongly.

Although she hated those two people who betrayed her, she had never really wanted to take their lives.

But this mysterious person had sought to directly end their lives.

It was probably because they were entirely innocent that the Heavens did not even want to receive them, and have revived them, letting them live again.

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