Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Chapter 452 “The Man with a Vicious Tongue”

When words couldn’t solve the issue hand, that’s when the dark forces became enraged and a huge brawl nearly ensued in the high level public area. As a result, the officials could only get involved.

This Underground City #9 may not like to interfere with personal matters but this was far too huge to ignore. In the end, it was the Reapers here who had to come forward to mediate. Eventually, both sides had come to terms with the conditions set out by the officials and must choose an individual to represent both sides.

This sort of outcome wasn’t all that surprising for Ling Yue, the Underground City was after all a place of business. They can’t exactly have their customers killing off each other in droves. That would be bad for business.

But what did surprise the girl though were the elected individuals – they’re all very young.

There are currently four people in the ring at the moment. Unsurprisingly, facing across from her was Luo Song and another male martialist, most likely the latter would be the rapist himself. Then on the dark forces side were a girl and a male, the female only partially covered by a red outer coat, obviously this would be the raped victim.

Due to the angle where Ling Yue was standing in the audience section, the only part of that comforting man she could discern was the back; however, considering how mesmerized that half-naked female alchemist was acting, it’s obvious the man must be impressively handsome.

“Luo Song, hand over that person. If you do then I can consider letting you go today.” After yelling out that threat, the representing male for the dark forces promptly got up.

Strangely enough, in light of not being familiar with anyone here aside from her subordinate Jin Wu Monster, Ling Yue’s got a strange irking feeling that the voice sounded familiar….

“Now, now, what you are saying is incorrect. Did Brother Wang here from the Sky Armour Sect not explain his reasoning already? It was that woman from the Seven Poison Sect who deceived and drugged him, that’s why he would confusingly do such a deed. The fact that Brother Wang here didn’t kill her right away is already an act of mercy in of itself.” Proudly raising his arms in the air so all can see his act, Luo Song righteously states his claim.

Sky Armor Sect, isn’t that where Hong Ming Yue’s mother was originally from?

Now this suddenly made perfect sense for Ling Yue. She did wonder why someone like Luo Song would step out of his way to help someone of unimportance, so it turns out to be a member of the Sky Armor Sect.

Focusing in on the rapist that’s standing up on the stage, the first impression she had of this person was “gross”. The man was fat, oily, and lustful in the eyes whenever his gaze fell upon the half-naked girl in the ring. Only a dumb fool would believe that nonsense about being drugged.

“Go screw yourself. Luo Song, is your brain waterlogged or is your eyes broken or something? This beautiful girl here is at the perfect age of her youth, only a blind fool would want to scheme after that forty year old fat cockroach! Let me ask you this Luo Song, if your girl behind you suddenly becomes a fat sow, would you still try to ride her?” Vicious and venomous, the man fires back at Luo Song’s claim without missing a single point, thus causing a burst of laughter from the dark forces.

“That’s right! Would you ride a fat sow? Oh man, these so-called righteous fellas sure have some heavy tastes there.” The crowd starts booing and mocking the righteous forces.

As for Luo Song himself, the lad could no longer maintain his façade of being nice. It’s far too humiliating and insulting, not only for the fatso beside him, but also for the fact that he had indirectly insulted his own partner Hong Ming Yue too.

“Humph, I knew there couldn’t be any good words coming from a scoundrel. The Seven Poison Sect is an evil sect to begin with. And that dirty girl over there, anyone can see she’s the frivolous type, exposing all that skin and seducing anyone that comes her way.” Hong Ming Yue attempts to rebuttal the other side after being angered.

There’s actually some background story to that claim. Earlier the female alchemist did try to seduce Luo Song, just that she was around to glare daggers at the foe, thus forcing the philandering female alchemist to leave.

“How funny, so wearing an exposing wardrobe is considered dirty? You look all normal and fine too, how can your brain be so pigheadedly dumb? Or are you actually a toad in disguise?” Dishing out insult after insult, the man from the dark forces didn’t know what the word limit was!

Naturally this infuriated Hong Ming Yue even further. Whether it was back in the Three Life Valley or back at her home the Hong House, all would try to flatter her like a queen. To be vilified in front of so many eyes, it’s only normal that the girl would hold a monstrous hate for the opponent on the other side.

“How dare you! To humiliate Ming Yue is to humiliate me. Today I will not spare you even if you beg me to.” Flying into a rage, Luo Song was done talking at this point.

The lad’s long taken Hong Ming Yue as his own woman, the ideal candidate for his future wife. To have someone insult and vilify his future partner was akin to doing the same to him.

It must be said though, the boy may not treat those around him very well but he did treat the youngest miss of the Hong House with the proper respect. Whether it be the way he talks to her or the way he acts, it’s always the best that he can muster.

“I am scolding someone else so why are you getting involved for? Or are you also that woman’s lover? Che, and here I thought you were at least a decent person. To think you would stoop so low as to become that girl’s second husband.” Twisting logic to his will, this war of words had somehow devolved into something ridiculous thanks to the will of this man from the dark forces.

Then as if his words weren’t enough, the man also casts a disdainful look at Hong Ming Yue in the background. The meaning in those eyes can’t be anymore obvious, it’s telling her she’s not even worth a single copper, a tramp that deserves to be at the garbage dump like the rest.

No matter how exceptionally mature and calm-minded Hong Ming Yue was, she’s still a young teen and an inexperienced one. Therefore, there’s no way she can take that form of insult and be calm.

“Brother Song, come down and let me go up there, I want to kill that shameless bastard,” she roars, losing her composure in the process.

I wonder where the dark forces managed to find this talent. Using only his tongue and he’s managed to smash those two into a corner without room to argue, Ling Yue on the other hand had a different take and wanted to applaud the lad.

“There’s no need for you to personally get involved Ming Yue, I will kill this evildoer in your stead today.” Returning to his proud arrogance once again, Luo Song signals the disciple from the Sky Armor Sect to leave the stage.

“Hold it, we can fight all you like but that person cannot go.” Apparently wining in the war of words weren’t enough for the man still because he had a beam of greenish light at the rapist’s back to hinder the person from escaping.

Naturally Luo Song wouldn’t allow such a sneak attack while in his presence, that would be humiliating for him. Riding the treasured gourd, the lad counters with blades of water created from the elixirs inside.

This should’ve been enough, yet the man from the dark forces only snickered a laugh before flicking his finger backwards, causing the greenish light beam to swivel sideways and bypassing the counter!

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