Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 273: The Treaty

Chapter 273: The Treaty

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RETH - Anima

Gawhr\'s lip curled, and Reth struggled not to move into a defensive position. But the Bear didn\'t growl. Behryn tensed next to him, his hand slipping towards his spear when, instead, Gawhr leaned in, showing his teeth, his one eye bright and fierce, and fixed solely on Reth.? "Let me scent you for truth," he said finally. But before Reth could even agree, he launched into his questions. "Did you truly cross the traverse two times, back and forth, without giving over to the voices?"

"Truly," Reth snapped as Gawhr\'s nostrils flared. "Once as a cub, once right before I took the throne."

"And you believe you could do it again?" the bear growled.

Reth nodded, emphatic. "I know I could. I do not want to, but I will for the sake of my mate and cub."

"Will you vow not to enter the region during our sleep except to use the trail to the traverse for her, and you will send wise ones to assist our females if they require it?"

Reth sighed. "I vow it. I ask for your willingness to renegotiate our terms if you keep the territory—we may need more flexibility in later years. But if you take and hold the territory, and we make it to spring, you will find your winter season undisturbed by us."

Gawhr rubbed his jaw. "When the time comes and both our people are safe… will you leave my Tribe alone? Not allow your youth to seek ours out?"

"I will do everything I can to keep your people isolated, Gawhr, but you and I both know that the young are adventurous. Should you continue to hold the territory after the war, we may need to take steps to keep them from… mingling, as you say."

Gawhr growled at that and looked away, clearly considering his position. Reth and Aymora waited, poised for his final answer. Behryn watched him, ready to fight to defend Reth if needed.

When Gawhr turned back to Reth, he was not smiling. "Your mate was brought through the traverse by the wolves, yes?"

Reth nodded. What did that have to do with this decision?!

"Do you know who scouted for them, and who brought her through?"

"No, I don\'t. But I do know that the secret was kept by Lucan, whose son and daughter claimed the Alpha roles in the tribe after his death. At least they were both in power, until I killed Lucine."

Gawhr huffed at that, then growled again. "We have reason to believe the wolves have been… infected by the enemy. It is why they are cautious to enter the traverse again. And is why they fear us—because we know their secrets. We will help you take this territory, Reth. But you will promise me that no one will cross the traverse until they go to bring back your mate."

Reth sat back, blinking. "You would save me the territory, then deny me access to my mate?" he growled.

Gawhr leaned forward. "I would create access to your mate and require that you use it no more than absolutely necessary, because even if you do not recognize the risks, I do! I will not be party to the enemy\'s victory over Anima! The risks are too great that the enemy may be unleashed and I will not stand in the place of the ancient enemy. If they are loosed… I will lead my people against them regardless of who they claim."

Reth snarled. "I need to communicate with her! She is alone and in danger over there!"

"Not as great as the danger to those who walk the traverse!" Gawhr leaned forward, towards Reth, his voice rumbling off into a growl. "She may lose her life—but those who give to the voices will lose their souls. If my people are to be in close proximity to that place I will not risk someone leaving the traverse with a… a traveler on board, ready to attack them!"

Reth took a deep breath. He hadn\'t considered that the bear might want to keep even their messengers from crossing. Could he do it? Did he have to? How would he remove the Bear safely from the Tree City if he didn\'t?

How would he remove the wolves from the WildWood if he didn\'t have their help?

"You grieve me, Gawhr. You force me to stay separated from my mate completely, until this war is over. Not even a note." A huff of grief broke from his throat before he could stop it. Surprisingly, the Bear\'s face softened.

"It would pain me to be so separate from my mate," he admitted. "But I cannot, in good conscience, allow my people to be put at risk. Those are my terms, Reth."

Reth\'s heart was beating far too quickly. Panic. He was panicking at the idea of not seeing, not communicating, not even knowing if Elia—if Elreth—were alive until the day it was safe for them to return.

"If I break your terms?" he asked quietly.

Aymora tensed next to him. But he had to know.

Gawhr\'s face tightened. "If I learn that you broke our terms, the bears will take the territory for ourselves and you will need the Creator\'s own luck to get your mate back."

Reth could see Behryn shifting, trying to get him to look, but he already knew his Second advised against this union.

He also knew, he had no other choice.

"I will accept your terms, if you agree that, when you wake and we assist you, if the war still rages, you and yours will fight with us against the wolves."

Gawhr growled in his throat again, and Reth expected another lengthy negotiation—or an outright denial. But surprisingly, Gawhr merely leaned in and muttered, "If this place still stinks of wolves when we wake up, I\'ll personally see to it that they are eradicated."

Then he offered his hand.

Reth blew out a breath and took it, clasping in the salute of Alphas entering treaty—neither submitted to the other, both retaining their own power, but also acknowledging the other\'s.

"Thank you, brother," Reth said quietly, though not with as much feeling as he might have.

"You will thank me truly later, brother," Gawhr said, nodding. "When your offspring come through the traverse to find a whole and healthy nation to greet them."

"I hope so," Reth said quietly. "I truly hope so."



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