Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 575 - Mischievous Lion Armor I

Chapter 575 Mischievous Lion Armor I

Author: M_W Cancer 

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce 

Everyone immediately started checking the remains of the five 8-Star Storm Sparrows, though it was mostly Darvis doing the checking as he was the only Blacksmith present in the room right now. As for the others, they pretty much only have a basic knowledge about checking the quality of the materials.

"What a pity," Darvis can\'t help but comment after checking the quality of materials. He continued, "Although it could still be used as the main material for making the sets of Magic armors that you required, but the quality would definitely be far from being acceptable for you, Guild Leader Loki,"

"I can see that," Leo shook his head. 

It really doesn\'t need someone professional to take a look in order to understand the quality of the carcasses of these five 8-Star Storm Sparrows. 

The skins of the five 8-Star Storm Sparrows were folded into weird different shapes, some of their bones were broken into many pieces, thus only leaving a few still usable ones, and their other important parts were damaged to different degrees. 

If he really still wants to salvage this part, or in this case recycles them, then he would have to expect that the quality of the sets of Magic armors would be one of the lowest kind. 

Fortunately, just like what he had mentioned a while ago, they have other materials that could fix this damages, or at least should be able to fix it.

Leo waved his hand, quickly storing all of the carcasses of those five 8-Star Storm Sparrows. He then turned to look at Elmont and the others as he said, "Follow me, I\'ll take you to the warehouse where we have stored the rest of the materials that can be used in making the sets of Magic armors,"


The location of the warehouse where the Mischievous Lion Guild had stored the carcasses of the Magical Beasts that they have killed from their past operations was still in the same place, specifically just a few hundreds of meters of distance away.

Arriving inside the warehouse, everyone immediately saw hundreds of Storage Rings inside different cabinets with their own respective labels on top of them. There were also different sections for precious stones, herbs, carcasses of Magical Beasts, and other kinds of Magical resources, this also includes the Storage Rings for the Chaos Orbs as well, which of course was stored in the most secret place possible in the warehouse that only Leo and the Executives of the Mischievous Lion Guild knew about. 

The exact reason for storing such an important and valuable item in the warehouse is because Leo really doesn\'t want to always carry around the Storage Rings that contain the Chaos Orbs every time. Not only does it take up some space in his Storage Ring, but also because he wants to avoid a situation where his Storage Ring is stolen accidentally. If ever such a thing indeed happened to him, the thief could at least not find any Chaos Orbs inside his Storage Ring. Hence, avoiding a lot of trouble for not only him, but also for the Mischievous Lion Guild. 

"This way," Leo motioned his hand as he leads everyone to the section where they had put the Storage Rings for the carcasses of Magical Beasts first. Only after Darvis finished choosing the carcasses of Magical Beasts that he needed would he lead them towards the section for the precious stones. 

Elmont and the others followed behind Leo while admiring the meticulously arranged warehouse. Although it wasn\'t their first time seeing such a warehouse that uses the method of storing items inside the Storage Rings, but it is not an everyday sight to see since the common practice of almost everyone is to put items inside the chest, cabinets, racks, and other similar things. 

The main reason why that is the common practice is because it allows one to easily find the items that they needed as they are displayed right in front of them. Unlike storing items inside the Storage Rings where one would still have to check inside before being able to see the contents. 

But of course, there is also a disadvantage with choosing to do the common practice, which is it takes so much space in the warehouse, compared to the Storage Rings where even a single cabinet is already enough to store dozens of them which contain hundreds of items each inside.

Anyways, it is really up to the personal preference of a person whether they want to follow the common practice or not. As for the case of Leo, he\'s clearly someone who chooses to do the latter method.

Leo turned to look at Darvis as he said, "I have already unlocked all of these Storage Rings, so you can just freely choose whatever carcasses of Magical Beasts that you needed. Just don\'t do something though that will break my trust in you,"

Honestly, he wasn\'t really worried that Darvis would secretly take something inside the Storage Rings without him knowing about it. All the items stored in this warehouse and taken outside of the warehouse is recorded by the core members of the Mischievous Lion Guild assigned over this place. 

And actually, once they are finished with everything that they needed here, someone would get inside the warehouse to do an inventory check on the sections that they have entered. And whatever is missing in that section would be recorded and given to him. 

If the record doesn\'t match with what Darvis had informed him, then there is no doubt that he had stolen something, but if it matched, then that means that he didn\'t do something that broke his trust in him.

"Don\'t worry, I have my principles as a Royal Blacksmith," Darvis said in assurance before proceeding to check on the Storage Rings for the carcasses of Magical Beasts that he could make use of. In the process, he keep on muttering, "Oh, the carcasses of 7-Star Savage Foxes... Three carcasses of 7-Star Titan Frogs... Carcasses of Green Fur Apes and Yellow Skinned Anacondas... What the heck, a bunch of carcasses of a 6-Star and 7-Star Storm Sparrows? This should be enough to compensate the damage to those five 8-Star Storm Sparrows..."

Soon, Darvis finally finished choosing the carcasses of Magical Beasts that he needed. 

Leo then handed Darvis a piece of paper where the latter would be listing everything that he had taken. 

Darvis accepted the paper and soon began recording everything that he had taken before giving it back to Leo. 

Leo only did a quick check, nodded his head, and finally proceeded to the section for the precious stones. 

They simply repeated the same procedure that they have done in the section of the carcasses of Magical Beasts. 

And once they were done with that, they all finally left the warehouse. 

As soon as they got out of the warehouse, Leo handed the piece of paper where Darvis had listed everything that he had taken out of the warehouse to someone waiting outside before he leads everyone to a room where he would be discussing with Darvis about the idea of the sets of Magic armors. 

Because this would definitely be a very boring discussion, Leo informed Iasiah and Nightingale to tour Elmont and General Luke around this place for the meantime, to which both parties agreed without any hesitation. 

After seeing them leave, Leo and Darvis then began with their conversation. 

"The sets of Magic armors that I want you to make would be named Mischievous Lion Armor I, or in other words the first Mischievous Lion Armor," Leo said as he then took out a piece of paper and handed it to Darvis while saying, "This is how I want the sets of Magic armors to look like, and as for the effects and whatsoever, it should depend on the materials that you will be using, right?"

"Yes," Darvis nodded his head in confirmation and accepted the paper from Guild Leader Loki. He then opened the paper and soon saw a rough drawing of a set of Magic armor. The set of Magic armor includes a helmet that has the shape of a lion\'s head, a chest plate with a symbol of a smiling lion, a shoulder armor that has a mane of some sort, an armed guard, a gauntlet, and a leg armor that covered from the waist to the feet. 

After seeing such a drawing, Darvis can\'t help but shook his head as he said, "Is it alright for you if I only used this as a reference? You don\'t have to worry about affecting what the image you have in mind, it is just that I should be able to make a design much better than this one,"

Hearing Darvis\' words, although he felt a bit offended, Leo still nodded his head and said, "No problem. You are the professional, so you naturally know much better than me,"

Darvis really appreciates Guild Leader Loki\'s understanding. Honestly, if he would really follow such a drawing, then it would affect negatively the maneuverability of anyone who wears it to a considerable degree. He really doesn\'t want to have one of his works cause such an effect, that\'s why he proposed the idea of only using the drawing as purely a reference for the final product. Anyways, it wasn\'t really that difficult to clearly understand what Guild Leader Loki wanted to express through this set of Magic armor. 

After making the agreement, Leo and Darvis then immediately proceeded to discuss the various different effects that this set of Magic armor would bring about and other important details that Leo really needed to know.

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