Incest Complex

Chapter 58 - 4Dimension

Another year has passed by in the space.

I\'m still creating storage for mana inside my brain. I\'ve already tried all locations in my brain and the long lasting one is near the brows, the glabella. I tried making a solid storage and it lasted for weeks but then it got destroyed.

"Hmm, Is it because of the shape of the storage?"I\'m having hard time making a storage for mana.

I think the glabella is the one where the storage should be but the cause of my predicament is the structure of storage.

I made various type of storage such as glass, bottle, Cup, container, bucket, pot, barrel and other storage things but it didn\'t work. I even imitated the crystal ball that used as catalyst for magic but still it did not work.

Although I tried I could possible created, There is last one I did not try, that is the space itself.

My understanding of space is very limited so I\'m having a hard time making theory about space in my mind but It was not success. I didn\'t give up, I\'m meditated without rest. Well, meditating is a part of resting, also I won\'t need rest in this space in the first place cause I would not get tired at all. I am widely awake 24/7.

I read the books about space-time magic spells all over again and again to fully understand what \'space\' really is.

What is space? I tried using the theories the scientist made but it was insufficient. Because the space scientist\'s hypothesize is about three-dimensional. But magic is above the three-dimensional so the theory is incomplete.

I remembered the theory for four-dimension but I think it was wrong. because nobody can explain what fourt-dimension really is. Because us humans are part of the three-dimensional objects. So learning about four-dimension is close to nil from learning it. Also we can only see three-dimensional object.

That is why, as a three-dimensional creature will have very hard time learning magic.

I now understand that \'orb of magic\' is a four-dimension object. That is why it can help a three-dimension human to learn magic and slowly make the human into a four-dimesional creature.

I slowly understand what magic really is, It\'s really amazing ain\'t it. Although, its difficult to learn magic without the help of \'orb of magic\', nevertheless, I would give up. I will learn magic and search for the exit in this hell of a space.

The space also helped me a lot despite it trapped me here. Space can also control time, well yeah. it\'s called space-time magic so it can control time too.

How long have I been trapped in this space? 3 or 4 years, I don\'t know.

I sighed, I made a resolve to get out in here. This is really sad, Iv\'e only been awake for 2 days in real world, now I\'m already trapped in this space for 3 years or so. I\'m lonely as fuck. I miss my family so much, I\'m afraid I would forget them so I constantly remind myself to think about them from time to time.

Their image started to fade in my mind. Tears slowly slide down on my cheek. I took a deep breathe, Being sad right now would not help me, it would only make the situtation worse.

Sadness would break my confidene and would destroy my resolution.

I need to learn magic fast or else I would really forget about them. I gritted my teeth as I started thinking and solving what is space in my mind.

Days became weeks.

Weeks became months.

10 months have passed in the space. I opened my eyes as I smiled widely.

I clenched my hand into fist as I raised it up.

"Yes! Finally! I made it."I shouted inside the space all my might.

In my glabella a surging energy started to form as it travels through my veins down to my heart then all my body. Its the mana, I finally learn what mana is. Mana spread all corners inside my body.

I feel warm and relaxed. I feel surge of strong power and It made me think I could do anything. My mind was clear as day as my heart beats faster as it pump mana through my veins.

"Hahahahaha."I laughed out loud as tears flows down from my eyes.

I\'m so happy I could learn magic.

"Black book! I finally learn magic, It\'s time for my revenge!"Shouting my lungs out. I angrily said to the black book that sent me here.

I expected no reply.

"Wait for me, I will burn you to ashes."I said as I get back to meditation.

Now that I have mana storage, I need to increase my mana. After my mana storage an \'orb of magic\' slowly formed inside my heart. I can\'t wait, What\'s my element.

3 months passed by as my mana increase drastically, The mana in this space is very abundant.

Right now it\'s finally time for me to get out in this space. How to get out in this space you say?

It\'s simple, I already learned the magic spell for getting me out here, its the best for me to say I created one. I did not waste my time in this without learning how to get out in here. With the space-time spell book I got and I studied what space what really is combining the two, I could finally understand what is space.

That is why breaking this shitty place is easy as squashing a mallows.

I close my eyes as I focus making a magic circle, The spell I self-created is called \'space-breaking spell\'. although, this is my first time using it. I\'m confident it will work.

By the way, My element is space and fire. Yes two elements. just like my niece, Shina who I dearly misses.

Since I have two elements I bet it is hard to level up too. Then that means, Shina and Me will help each other out. Also, she won\'t become lonely, Having two elements is really hard according to her, She felt bad to the family for using large amount of resources just for her magic to progress.

Now that I also have two elements, the two of us will need large amount of resources. I chuckled. I\'m so mean, Using the family\'s resources came into my mind thought but I won\'t use their resources because I know my family also need resources.

Let\'s talk about it later, right now my top priority is to get out in this shitty place.

A magic circle appeared below me as it expand toward the horizon. It\'s spin slowly.

The magic circle brightly glowed it revolved around the space.

I could feel the space starting to tremble. I feel nausea and felt throwing up. But, I hold it up. My mind is only thinking of smashing this shitty space.

The trembling intensifies.

Then after sometime I heard a crackling noise. I look up as I see the space cracked like a glass.

The crack became bigger and bigger as the space around me have cracks.

I smile lightly as I poured large amount of mana to the magic circle. The glowing brightens that can even make the blind see the light.

Then suddenly. The crack shattered into pieces.

Slowly, my consciousness starting to black out.


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