Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Chapter 206 - 204

"First order of business. Search through the Shipwrights to find someone to paint or stain that ship. Second order of business, The Crab Shack." Cain announces, getting dressed for dinner. 

"Third order of business, stop messing with that belt. A randomly appearing and disappearing extra me is getting annoying." Evangeline adds. So the belt does affect her she\'s simply using Merger to absorb the extra copies. 

"Do we have to totally repaint the ship? I love the pink. Everyone does black and blue and white. Ours is just naturally more awesome." Nemu declares. 

"She\'s got a point. You\'ll always know that this is the vessel of the Darklight Host." Vala agrees. 

"We could just buy some sails that aren\'t matching pink to contrast?" Evangeline suggests now that he\'s picked an outfit. 

Wait, even the sails are pink? What sort of colorblind monster designed this thing?

"How about we just have them paint and stain the inside of the ship, and leave the outside alone? They did say it\'s naturally durable without stain, you just need to scrub the salt off, and you can have the puppets do that." Nemu offers a compromise. 

"Alright, for now, we find someone to make the inside not so hard on the eyes. We can deal with the outside later after we sail it back to Assah." Cain agrees. That will give him more time to look for long-lasting options as well. 

There is a Sailmaker at the foot of the pier, next to the place that makes enchanted rope for ships\' lines and rigging, which begs the question, what color sails does he want to put on this ship?

Cain explains his dilemma to the shopkeeper, who understands in an instant. "Even if you liked the color, they\'re due to be replaced. They have been on there for years, out in the sun. It weakens the cloth even if they\'re not used much."

Nila nods that he\'s right and then frowns. "I should double-check the rigging too, it\'s likely no better, just harder to tell at a glance how much sun damage it has taken."

"It isn\'t going to be any better. That eyesore hasn\'t moved since the King won it, other than to switch berths a couple of times." The sailmaker declares. 

"Go get new rigging made and installed. Tell them we\'re taking it away as soon as all the work is done." Cain instructs Nila, who is happy to help, having been too long away from the sea. 

"If you trust me, I have a suggestion." The sailmaker says after a moment\'s pause. 

"Merchant type Guilds often run multi-colored sails. The clash of color keeps them from being mistaken for a military vessel and it will help break up the mass of pink. Put down some black nonskid on the deck to protect from splinters and only the mast, railings and hull sides will be visibly pink. Plus, if I can mix and match, I can have your sails ready tonight, using ones I\'ve already got in stock for the fleets."

"So we\'ll look like a sailing carnival?" Cain laughs. 

"A little bit, I\'m afraid, but most merchants do, see the one coming in?" He\'s right. Their sails used to be red, blue, and orange, but they\'ve been patched in dozens of different colors, giving the whole thing the look of a low-budget carnival. 

"I see. How about you at least include some matching patches so we don\'t end up like that?" Cain suggests. 

"Not a problem. I\'ll get right to work, I\'ve already got the measurements for your vessel on hand, and I\'ll hang the sails once I\'m done. Anything you want to be done with the scrap sails?"

"Since they\'re faded pink, maybe give them to an orphanage or something, let them make clothes for the girls out of them," Nemu suggests. 

That\'s right, the Orphanage in Graska often made clothes from the scraps of cloth the tailors donated. Sailcloth might not be the best, but if they can\'t afford to dye them, the pink might be a nice change. 

"I can do that. They\'re happy to get almost anything they can. Plus, they run a couple of small fishing boats. Your sails might be too worn and old for a high-speed schooner, but they\'re just fine for the kids to catch fish in the bay." Going by relative sizes, just the better condition parts of the sails would likely redo a fleet of small 5 to 7-meter fishing vessels and still have enough left to dress the crew. 

"I can also arrange for the decks to be done today if you\'d like?"

"Certainly. We\'re thinking of having the whole interior done as well, though that might have to wait until we get to Assah, where the Guild has a beach house." Cain says, considering his options. 

"We can do that." Comes a young voice from the door. 

"We\'ve got tools and manpower, you buy the paint. It takes two hours to dry, but we can have it all ready to go by morning." The boy says proudly. 

"Meet Jessop, from the Orphanage. He lurks around the docks whenever he\'s looking for work. I thought you were working for the fishmonger today?"

"I was. Small catch today, so we\'re already done. I heard something about some crap cloth for the girls?" The boy asks, likely planning to carry it back with him. 

"I\'m doing all new sails for the Queen Rose, and they\'re donating the old ones to the Orphanage. They\'re a bit old, but they\'re not in terrible shape."

"Just very pink. They\'ll love it." Jessop laughs.

"Alright, where do we find interior paint or stain? Do what you can to make the ship look decent inside and I\'ll pay you going rate." Cain agrees and the boy grabs Cain\'s much larger hand with both of his own for a handshake. 

"They\'ll let me grab it on credit once they find out you\'re getting sails. It\'s his brother\'s shop. Don\'t worry, we know all the tricks to hide the pink oak. The shops just give it away when it comes in as crates for their shipments."

With that, he\'s off, presumably to go get supplies and other kids to help, his mood considerably improved. 

"Since everyone\'s so very helpful today, why don\'t we go straight to the crab shack for dinner and then find a hotel to stay in while they work? We can leave in the morning?" Cain suggests. 

"Sounds good to us. Lead the way, oh mighty Summoner." Evangeline declares with a hint of sarcasm, making the others chuckle. Cain can\'t decide if she just loves to tease people, or if he\'s broken some sort of cultural taboo among Seraphim by Summoning her as a companion. 

He would just ask, but he wants to try to figure it out himself first. Understanding his Companions has become important to Cain since he keeps them active all the time and with him for most of it. When it was just Vala and Nemu, he only had to worry about them teasing each other. Now with Laura, Nila and Evangeline, there\'s bound to be a clash of personalities eventually. 

Already he notices that Evangeline and Vala mostly ignore each other, while Evangeline and Laura like flying around together and Vala prefers to walk, but Laura prefers to cuddle with Vala because the Demon is warmer. 

Cain watches them interact while they walk to the crab shack, where the owner seems to have been informed that they were coming. He\'s waiting by the door for them and already has an oversized booth ready and set up for their party, including a Pixie-sized cushion on the table for Laura. 

"Welcome, welcome. I heard you are the proud new owners of the Queen Rose. I know what she looks like, but don\'t underestimate that ship. The one who built her for the Wave Riders was a Shipwright in his past life too, and she\'s got a unique shape to her, not like the regular merchant vessels. She\'s fast, even without using any sort of magic on her." The restaurant owner greets them, getting them seated and sending for drinks. 

Strangely, there are no menus visible anywhere in the building. So you must either just tell him what you like, or eat what you get. 

"Any allergies? Things you won\'t eat?" He asks, solving Cain\'s mental menu conundrum.

"Nope, we will eat about anything. Bring us something good, and drinks to match." Evangeline smiles at the owner who seems to gain even more bounce in his step.

"Coming right up." He cheers, headed back into the kitchen as the Seraphim looks around the crowded restaurant. 

"That\'s impressive, he managed to reserve us a table before we made it across the wharf." She says, looking fondly at the food on the neighboring tables.

"You don\'t sound surprised?" Cain asks, trying to figure her out. 

"Seraphim can hear thoughts about them. They use it to pretend they\'re almighty and omniscient." Vala informs him in a dry tone. 

"Don\'t be like that. You can do it too. You just don\'t use it outside of combat." Evangeline cuts back in a sweet tone and Nemu gives a disgruntled feline noise.

"That\'s why I can never catch you off guard to tickle you? That\'s cheating." The Felian complains and Laura bursts into laughter. 

"We all thought you already knew and were trying to find a solution." The Dragon snorts while the cat girl pouts. She\'s still in that mostly human Neko form with the cream colored hair and black tipped ears and tail, and has been in that form for a while now. 

"Why the change in forms?" Cain asks, curiously indicating her distinct lack of fur, except for her ears and tail. 

"It\'s too hot in the desert for fur. Plus, I still look fantastic." She responds, arcing her back to stretch out with her arms over her head, showing off her lithe body in the short black silk top while winking at the man at the next table. He is obviously trying to hide the fact he\'s looking, due to the presence of what is most likely his wife, but he\'s not fooling anyone. 

"As long as you don\'t get sunburned or anything." Cain smiles, not worried about what shape she picks. 

"Natural healing takes care of that. I regenerate faster than I can sunburn, and Felians don\'t tan, so I don\'t need to worry about not matching my fur."

That\'s something Cain hadn\'t considered.. A Dark-skinned Nemu, with her very light fur, except for the tips of her ears and tail, would look rather odd, almost Gyaru style. 

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